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In the Alpha’s Arms

Chapter 11
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f the ringing in her ears and flushing up her neck was any sign, Lita was ninety percent sure she would murder

one of these men.

Andres’ eyes flashed bright green the second he touched her hand, strands of hair slipping forward over his

brow. And still his handsface would not pare him the violent rage building under her skin.

Jp close, she could recognize him from his social media, and she begrudgingly accepted he looked even better in

real life. Warm-toned white skin, ntense brown eyes that seemed to catch the lights when he smiled. He'd been

the first to stand up and properly introduce himself after they all aughed in a way that scratched down her

insides like blades. Did they think it was funny she had to beg to be allowed to join the gym? Did they think was

all in good fun that she'd had to rip out a piece of her heart by bringing James’ nup? And for what? All it had

done was convince them she vas a desperate stalker with a kink for dead fighters.

der stomach rebelled at the idea, something toxic springing up in the back of her mind. How dare she get angry

enough to fight with these strangers when she couldn’t muster anything to fight off Brian? What did it say about

her if all her fight left as soon as he turned those cool blue eyes on her? Did it say that she wanted it, that she

liked the way he treated her? Lita wanted to vomit. She felt it churning at the base of her throat as the warm

lush of anger spread everywhere, her fingertips throbbing and itching, her toes curling in her tennis until they

hurt. It had only been sheer willpower hat kept her rooted in place while they laughed at her expense. The skin

on her tattooed wrist was rane from how she scratched it, weighing the ikelihood of making it to her pills before

she exploded.

Was she expecting a rave reaction? No, not exactly. They didn’t know her, and she didn’t know them. And

truthfully, Lita knew she still looked like hell physically, but spart of her expected they'd find her at least

decent enough not to laugh. That was the bare minimum bar to set for men, wasn’t it?

Lita had never been too clear on her own beauty. Outside of Brian, no one really gave her a second look and

since all of his looks meant misery for her, Lita wasn’t entirely convinced he thought she was beautiful, either.

Maybe he just found her attainable or a necessary means to an end with her parents.

And as Andres reached for a handshake, Lita reminded herself that she wasn't actually here to be a bunny, so it

didn’t matter what they thought of her or how pathetic they must have found her. She blew out a shaky breath,

her misplaced rage was not new, and it hadn't killed her yet, so it wouldn't kill her now, His warm brown eyes

Eashed emerald for a moment as he studied her face. Andres‘ brows knit together, and he frowned.

“Are you alright?” he asked quietly. She counted one, two, three, four...

Certain she wasn’t going to explode the second she opened her mouth, Lits blinked, looking up at the neon gym

lights, the only reasonable explanation for his strange eyes.

“Perfectly peachy, considering I'm just one big joke here. | never seem to forget how ridiculous you all find me.”

Lita didn’t know what to make of the light trick that changed his eye color, but she just shrugged. It didn’t


“You're not a joke and it's nothing but a pleasure to meet you,” he said, leaning in to place a delicate kiss on her

check, his heavy accent making her stomach do somersaults against her will. “I think you misunderstood our

laughter, sweetheart.” When he released her cheek, Andres stepped back enough for Lita to look at him and see

the guilty expression on his face.

“Looking at it from your perspective,” he pondered, “I can see why you would think something negative, and for

that | sincerely apologize, but we weren't laughing at you lovely. We were laughing at Alex. As if his own words

conjured up more humor, his cheeks turned pink, and he laughed all over again. “We're just thinking of how

badly we're going to tease him for calling you- he gave her a quick once-over-“a psycho bunny. Does he not


“Learn to share, bro, Mark cut in, saving Lita from having to reply. Her mind swam with ways to take Andres

comment as an insult, but she couldn't Egure out how. He didn’t appear to be teasing her. Nor did Mark. His

smirk had deepened, showing a hint of canines that made him look hungry rather than mean-spirited. He patted

Andres’ shoulder then shoved him out of the way. “You can’t hog the pretty newcomer, D.”

The nicknmade little sense for Andres. Then she remembered they called him Delta, and she almost

snorted. A nicknfor a nickname? It seemed ridiculous. Then Lita’s mind seemed to catch up to what Mark

had said. Pretty. It shouldn't have made her chest swell, but it did. When was the last tsomeone other than

Brian gave her a compliment?

Mark took up the hand Andres let go of and leaned down to plant a kiss on it. The second his lips touched her

skin, his forest green eyes fluttered up to meet hers and sparkled a bright amber for a split second. Lita inhaled,

her insides turning to liquid heat at that gaze. She was definitely losing her mind when it cto those eye

colors, but damn if she cared.

“Babe, it's positively a sin that we haven't met before today,” he smiled, continuing to hold and caress her hand

with those warm, calloused fingers. “If 1 wasn’t sure that Alex was a stick in the mud, I'd swear he was keeping

you for himself, Mark admitted, his eyes stuck on a point just below her collarbones. Was she blushing?


Lita, shoving her elbow into his side.

“Brody! Go say hi, dammit, you're being rude,” faz demanded quietly and practically dragged him up to Lita,

Mark moved out of the way with an eye roll and a heated smirk that promised he wasn’t anywhere near finished

with her. The goosebumps breaking out over her arms were a strange feeling. She hadn't felt excitement or

desire in so long, Lita didn’t know what to do with it. Had she really changed so much with a month of workouts

and a new bra? Maybe it was something else that made her appear more attractive, Maybe it was the new

outlook, the hope against hope that she desperately clung to

Thrust in front of her like the runt of the litter, Lita watched Brody swallow and blink, a muscle under his eye


“Hey,” Brody said, waving his hand in the air with a pained expression, avoiding meeting her eyes as best as he

could. He looked so uncomfortable. Lita knew he was trying his best to put on a brave face and while the others

might not have thought his breakup was that big of a deal, Lita could see the damage. She'd bet money that it

had been a toxic relationship and he was trying to figure out his new reality. She could empathize with that.

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There was something so familiar about his mannerisms. Avoiding eye contact. Intense nervousness. Sudden


Brody needed a friend. Someone to give him a hug and tell him the pain would pass. Without thinking too much

about it, she jumped forward and pulled him into an embrace. For the first second or two, he didn’t move,

holding his arms out like he was being attacked. But she didn’t move or press for more. She just continued with

the calm embrace. And eventually, when he realized she wasn't trying to force anything, he leaned in and

embraced her back. She finally pulled away to admire his smiling face.

“Just seemed like you needed a hug,” she whispered. He inhaled deeply, his eyes flashing yellow too. She

shrugged like the hug wasn’t a big deal, “Don’t read too much into it, kay?” He gulped, nodding through a

confused face.

“Well, you already know me, sticks,” Alex said, walking around the group from behind Jaz. His tone left a lot to be

desired, but Lita leaned into it, throwing a wave up over her head. He chuckled, “You don’t look like absolute shit

today, so I'm assuming Stace gave you the beginner learning curve?”

“Yea, well too bad you still do, Gymhead,” Lita growled, giving him the finger as she stepped back from Brody.

His eyes lit with a spark of blue, but Instead of a temper, a grin spread over his face.

“Gymhead?!” Brody coughed, banging his fat into his chest as his eyes watered. “She’s got balls, I'll give her


“B, you told us she was a dud,” Andres crossed his arms, his brows curving. “You blind?”

“Don’t go there,” Alex grumbled, rolling his neck. “Nobody's blind. But trust me, as far as you lot are concerned,

she’s the worst dud you've ever seen.”

“Fuck off, never seen a dud with cute little cheeks and a nervous dimple, Mark snapped, laughing huskily as he

stared at Lita’s blush. Then he turned back to Alex, “You should let the doc check you, bro, it’s no way someone

should be so uptight he can’t see pretty when he’s looking at it. Might be a medical issue. Something get stuck

up there?

Lita gingled so loud she clamped a hand over her mouth and took a couple steps back to give herself room. Her

back collided with a wall. A wall that oddly enough had hands that slid onto her waist and held her still. Like her

body had a supernatural awareness of him, Lita suddenly remembered the moment with Cole in the parking lot

and knew exactly whose body was plastered to hers. Lita spun around to find Cole's eyes boring into her own.

They were dangerously dark, more black than deep brown, and his nostrils flared as if he hated her smell.

Instinctually, she clamped down her arms. Maybe she sweat too much during training? But these men were

constantly sweating, surely, he could handle a little on her?

“Making friends, | see,” he grumbled disapprovingly, never dropping his hands from her waist. His voice had a

direct line to her chest, shooting heat and flutters throughout her. Did she know anyone with a voice so

pleasantly rough? So deep and satisfying to her ears? Embarrassingly, she shook her head at her own question,

and he cocked his head in confusion.

Cole gave her a once-over, eyes flashing red just as the lights c definitely going to eat something tonight if the

hallucinations were getting this out of control. Maybe the changing lights were aggravating her eyes?

changed, then nonchalantly released her and joined the others. That's it, she was

And you uh, know, this is uh, Cole... Stace motioned, awkwardly, “A-Alpha...”

“We've already met,” he dismissed, taking a stance up against the wall “Several times.” Lita could feel the anger

radiating off him, and it made no sense. She hadn’t done anything to anybody. Well, except flipping Alex off, but

he'd taken it on the chin, so why did it seem like Cole was always mad at her?

“Well... it was nice meeting everyone,” Lita chirped with a flick of her hair, trying to ignore Cole’s eyes on her.

She becincreasingly aware of the sliver of skin showing between her top and bottoms because it grew

warm. “I should head home. Ya know, school in the morning and all that.” She lugged the shirt down harder.

“And we need to run,” Cole co-signed, talking to the others. “Now.”

So, they all started moving, Lita and Jaz went to gather their belongings and the others toward the back door,

stripping down to their spandes bottoms. Stace merely stripped off her tank, leaving the sports bra beneath.

Didn't people usually wear clothes to run? It was late eiend


wasn’t nearly warm enough to warrant no sweats. Was this a punishment? Or sextrform of competition

preparation? Cole had said “we” and he was also stripping out of his clothes, so Lita doubted it was a

punishment. Unless he was such a hard-ass that he’d watch their misery up close.

“Ser ya tomorrow, Lit and far!” Stace called over her shoulder as she disappeared out the back door.

Jaz pulled out of the parking lot first and Lita followed close behind, digging through her bag in the passenger

seat. The tightness in her shoulders and chest told her she needed her meds. Cole seemed to always get her

emotions high.

Alpha, why did that nsound stupid until it was used to describe him? Her face flushed as she thought about

the way his hands caressed her waist. No, he hadn't caressed her. He'd just held her still, kept her in place so

she didn’t murder his feet. Where were the damn meds in this bag? When she still didn’t find them, Lita made a

frustrated sound and pulled over. Dumping half the bag out on the seat, she realized the little bottle wasn’t

there. Shir. She'd have to go back to the gym and look for it. She didn’t have another appointment with her

therapist until the end of the week to get a refill and she wouldn't make it through the week like this.

Lita made a U-turn on the next street as Jaz turned right and headed back into the parking lot. Slamming the

door a little harder than she needed to and leaving the SUV running. Lita stomped toward the gym’s front door.

Why was Cole so far under her skin? They hadn't said more than a handful of words to each other, but it was like

every tshe saw him, her body couldn’t help but respond. It had to be pent up attraction. She could admit

that he was as hell, but so were the others. Her stomach knotted. Of course, she wanted spleasure, as so

much of her adult life had been stripped of it, but was the cost worth the risk? A mental image of Brian standing

over her trembling body convinced Lita it wasn’t.

Cole was the only one who made her feel this flustered and disorganized. It was damn dangerous. Hormones

made her stupid, and stupidity got stronger people than her killed every day.

Lita swung the door and walked with purpose back to her training area. She wasn’t paying any attention to

anything else. Lita looked on the bench, then she looked around the boxing mats. Getting on her knees, she

finally found the pill bottle that had rolled underneath the bench. Hulling, she swiped it up and spun around to

find four naked people clutching their rumpled clothes to their most private parts. Stace, Mark, Brody and Andres

Lita’s mind stalled to a complete stop. What the hell had she walked in on? An orgy? Hadn't they been about to

run? Was that a code for something?

“Lita, what the hell are you still doing here? We saw you leave!” Stace barked suddenly, her cheeks turning red.

“Whoa! Shit,” Lita laughed, “Sorry to interrupt, guys. Carry on, I'm leaving... You don’t have to be embarrassed

at all. Totally normal.” Lita playfully covered her eyes and lightly jogged back to the front door. She was sure

she'd feel flustered too if they caught her doing something frisky, not that she'd ever get the chance, but Lita

wasn't one to judge.

“No! Wait! Don’t go out there, Lita!” Stace tried to stop her, even letting go of her clothes to grab for Lita before

she could open the door.

“Jesus! You're naked, Stace. It's fine, I'm not judging, okay? Just letget out of your hair, Lita insisted, pushing

open the front door only to cface to face with two large red eyes and a mound of dark fur.

She froze, every ounce of blood in her body running cold. Her thoughts scattered under a primal, desperate fear.

One that made her want to cower, to show her belly in complete submission.

The black wolf was easily the size of the doorway. Not only in width but in height, towering over her. Those red

eyes burned her skin as the beast drew closer, eyes as intense as the neon gom lights. Watching the animal blow

steam through its nose, Lita pretended it wasn’t inhaling her deeply. The puff of warm air hit her arms a second

before her body shook, tremors working from her shoulders to her fingers as every bit of warmth Bed

Was this shock? Her mind lost the thought as soon as she had it. Then another wolf appeared in a blur of gray fur

with bright blue eyes, tackling the Erst one to the ground. The ground shook, the air rippled with heat.

The scream that ripped through Lita seared her chest. She couldn't move. She couldn't breathe. She couldn't do

anything but watch the vicious animals tear at each other. The black one seemed to want to kill her. Even as the

other clawed and bit at it, the black wolf only bared its teeth and edged closer. Lita saw its clawed digging into

the concrete with the force, all while never taking its eyes off her.

She was a second away from peeing bell

“Lita RUN! Get to your car and Gor Stace yelled, pushing her frantically out the last long! GO!"

door and into the parking |

lot, “Alex is holding him back but it won't

Lita’s mind processed nothing. Instead, she just ran as fast as she could to her car, got in, and threw it in

reverse. She silently thanked whatever god was watching over her for leaving the car running as she floored the

pedal, speeding away from the ferocious wolf chasing after her.

Litas Love for the Alpha


Once she had gotten closer to her apartment, Lita finally eased her grip on the steering wheel. Her hands were

damn near glued in that position for how tightly she’d been clenching it. Lita’s heart was going a mile a minute

and her mind was foggy. What had she just seen? Glant wolves? She violently shook her head, unable to stop the

motion for another two blocks.

There was no way. That kind of thing was flat out impossible. She was having a mental breakdown from over-

medication. It was the only option that made any sense. Her therapist had warned her that taking too many

meds could make her hallucinate. First the eye colors, now giant wolves. She was just drugged up, that’s all Her

body shivered, insisting that she look closer at the facts, but she refused, knowing hallucinations could cause

bodily symptoms too. She swallowed.

Regardless of the fact that she was pretty sure she had a mental breakdown, Lita still paced her apartment once

she got inside. What the hell had she Just seen? What the hell had just happened? After racing hdoing

twenty-five over the speed limit, she’d braced the door with a chair under the doorknob and the chain across the

doorway. But she really couldn’t say why she did it. Did Lita honestly think a giant woll was going to break down

her apartment door?

She let out a horse chuckle, gripping her roots as if it would help her settle down. Damn, at least she didn’t have

to explain anything to Brian, who was thankfully not playing stalker tonight.

After the few very tense minutes staring at her door passed, she finally relaxed. No one was yelling to be let in.

No one was breaking down her door. Giant wolves didn’t exist. The world didn’t end. No one was out to get her.

She let out another anxious laugh and collapsed onto her couch with a wine cooler, one of the few things she

actually consumed without a problem.

Shivering, Lita jammed the cool bottle up against her pounding temple. After taking a long swig, Lita pulled her

book bag up onto the coffee table then flicked on the tv. She searched for a second for the best movie to calm

her nerves and settled on the Harry Potter movie marathon. What better way to kill a complete night of thinking?

That signature thmusic played,

and Lita felt her shoulders losing their

tension. She fell into the comfortable

rhythm of her schoolwork, making it

quietly through two full classes ah

homework befrelsHelgbt fo English.

TheEngl homework however, was

proving to be more difficult than she

realized as she studiously clacked

away on her laptop. She eyed the

personal essay prompt. Write about a

tyou felt weak. Damn, there were

almost too many times to count. And

9 , 3 ) 0

she didn't think she'd be able to write

about any of them. She puttered

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

around for a few minutes, playing

with ways to tweak real things into

socially acceptable ones. The

content is on novelenglish.net! Read

the latest chapter there!

Her brother? No. Hell no. That subject

had bright flashing red lights around

it, like a railroad crossing. Brian?

Nope. Not opening that can of

worms. It was going to be too hard to

: )

make that acceptable. Scented

like being pylledcabidle ér class and

gle the abuse hotline number.

) q

She'd called before. But with her own

family hell-bent on this relationship,


there wasn't much anyone could do

for her. Her mother? God no.

Suddenly, the wolves flashed in her

mind. She pushed it away. Lita could

talk about how difficult the last

month at the gym had been. Lita

jotted a few quick memories to flesh

an Q

out later. She wasn't in the mood to

ruminate on being too weak to lift a

q . ),

ten—pound weight, and she didn't

want to think about the gym. The

content is on novelenglish.net! Read

the latest chapter there!

q . )

As much as Lita tried, she couldn't

stop her mind from wandering back

: : )

to Brian and the movie she'd

forgotten all about. In less than

twenty—four hours Shey going to

PETE the'small space of a

vehicle. Then crammed in the tight,

enclosed seats of the theater. Lita

hated going to the movies with him

q q ) q

because if the movie wasn't good, it

put him in the worst mood. How

could she get out of it? She hurried

through a handful of ideas, and she

knew none of them would work. Not

, q

after how long she'd pushed him

aside. The content is on

novelenglish.net! Read the latest

chapter there!

She scratched over her wrist tattoo. If James was here, he'd promptly beat the ever loving shit out of Brian and

scare him off for good. But hadn't that been the problem in the end? Wasn't that why she was alone now?

She switched to the next prompt. Write about a tyou felt strong. Well, damn. She rolled her eyes and got up

for another cooler. it, just bullshit, she thought. Make something up. She jotted down smoments that

sounded true but hadn’t ever happened to her. She really didn’t have an outstanding track record with feeling

strong. Angry? Sure. Aggressive? Absolutely, but never when it counted. She'd never felt strong-

Glancing at the time, Lita straightened her legs, clicked off the tv and headed for the shower. She smelled

herself, and it had been hours since she first sat down. Her entire backside was numb, and she rubbed at the


Looking at herself naked, all the places that once looked sallow and loose, now looked healthy. Not quite &

muscular, but firmer. She turned to see her butt had rounded out a little and now there was a clear curve Like RICH

separating her back from her thighs. Others may not have seen it yet, but she stared at herself every single day. WOMEN?

Those slight changes were everything. Not just for her confidence, but also for her escape plan. Maybe she could These women

do this. She could get away from Brian. desperately want

a mature men!

After having just inspected herself, she couldn't help but think about the gym again, her mind finally piecing [JOIN NOW|

together something she hadn't registered. Stace told her to nin. That scream, that plea, wasn’t from Lita’s

imagination. And if the wolves hadn't been real, why would Stace do that? Bs fer