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I became the Purchased Wife Of The Lycan Prince by Light

Chapter 92
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Chapter 92

“Ryan,” Logan placed his hand over hus shoulder, “I know what is the loss of the parents, especially a mother.

Finding a truth and live with that is more comforting than staying in a misunderstanding,” he suggested to him.

“Shall we go in?” asked Logan as he found him getting stable. His hand was now on Ryan's back as he stood

next to him.

“Logan, | was very young that | don’t even remember my mother’s face. I'm unable to understand why she had

to die,” Ryan expressed his worrying thoughts with him.

“I'm sure the reason is big. | won't be biased while finding about your mother’s demise. | will make sure that

whatever result comes, your mother gets the peace in the end and most importantly, you no longer regret

anything,” Logan promised him and patted his


“Thank you, Logan.”

“Nevermind. Shall we go in? They must be searching for us,” Logan opined.

Ryan nodded at him and they both went inside the house. Luckily, not anyone asked them where they had gone.

They talked for a long tbefore everyone left, except. Ryan and Clifton, who were supposed to follow Logan to

find out about the werewolf. hunters.

“Clifton, cwithfor a moment,” said Logan and they both left the living room.

“Ryan, you seemed low in energy totoday,” Hope said. “Is everything fine with you?” she inquired with a

concerning expression on her grimace.

“Yeah, I'm fine, Ryan replied.

“Don’t try to deceive me. Your face says it all. You seemed unsettled even during lunch. Is it because you joined

the company earlier than anticipated? Are you under work- related stress?” Hope probed, attempting to uncover

the reason behind Ryan's subdued demeanor.

Then, a memory resurfaced in Hope's mind-Ryan'’s difficult breakup with Natasha. Perhaps that was weighing

heavily on him, she speculated..

“Hope, it’s just a few things on my mind. I'd rather not discuss it and dampen your spirits. Just bear with me,”

Ryan replied tersely, choosing not to reveal the true cause of

his distress.

“Okay. Just don’t let it overpower your head,” Hope told him.

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Chapter 92

“Hmm.” Ryan found Hope had changed much more since the last he saw her. She had beca better version

of herself. “Your growth is incredible, Hope,” he said.

That's because Logan embraced me. |

man has empowered me,” Hope respondeel

with a wide smile. “I'll bring something to drink for us. Stay here,” she said and went to the kitchen.

Ryan leaned back on the couch when his phone rang and he checked it. It was a message from Natasha.

[Can you see me? I've something to talk you with.]

Ryan chuckled and sent a straight reply, “No.” He found she didn’t send any message after it, so he put his

phone aside. “She has the audacity to textwhen she knows what she has done,” he murmured and turned

off his phone in fury.

“Shouldn’t you go home, Henry?” Olivia inquired softly, her forearm resting on his chest as she traced circles at

its center.

“I want to be with you. | missed you a lot,” Henry confessed, his fingers gently threading through her hair. “Why

did you rejectthat time?” he asked, his tone tinged with vulnerability.

“You weren't manly enough,” Olivia answered.

“And now, did | becmanly?” Henry asked.

“Yep.” Olivia replied.

Henry caught the fistful of her hair and drew her close. However, he merely teased her with his lips, depriving

her off the kiss. Getting off the bed, he went straight to the shower room while Olivia followed him.

Wearing only his shirt, which draped over a portion of her thighs, Olivia leaned against. the door of the shower

room, her gaze fixed on Henry's naked form from behind.

“Don’t just stare, joinif you want,” Henry invited, turning to face her, prompting Olivia's eyes to widen as she

glanced between his legs.

With a smirk, Olivia slowly unbuttoned the shirt, revealing her own naked body to him. Stepping into the shower,

she ran her fingers over his chest, her eyelids fluttering as she leaned in, bringing her lips tantalizingly close to


Henry turned on the shower tap, letting the cold water cascade over their bodies. He pulled her closer, making

her gasp and then crashed his lips above hers. “I always thought why you never allowed Logan to even kiss you.

Now, | find out why,” he

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Chapter 92

whispered against her lips.

Olivia lifted her eyes and peered into lus eyes. “Why?” A teasing grin remained on her lips.

“Because you've always had your eyes on me,” Henry whispered into Olivia's ear before gently biting her

earlobe. Swiftly twirling her around, he began to trail kisses along her


Olivia's smile widened as she felt the heat of his kisses spread through her body. Taking his hand, she guided it

to her breast, letting out a loud moan as he fondled it.

“Olivia, you belong tonow. Only me. If you ever try to leave me,” Henry's tone turned possessive as he

moved his hand to her throat, applying slight pressure, “then, I'll punish you so severely that you won't be able

to move from your bed.”

Olivia skillfully closed the shower tap with her hand before feeling herself pressed. against the shower wall,

Henry's body flush against hers. Despite their close proximity, they had yet to fully connect. His lips left a trail of

kisses along her neck before moving from her nape to her spine.

“F*ck, Henry!” Olivia cried out as he nipped at her skin, the sensation sending shivers down her spine. Swiftly

turning to face him, she met his gaze with determination. “My turn,” she declared, her voice husky, before

lowering herself to her knees

Starting at his chest, she licked a path downward, her movements filled with anticipation.

They both enjoyed their passionate intimacy before taking shower to clean themselves.

As Logan examined the pictures Lucas had sent him of the location, he prepared to head out to investigate the

unknown cultivation of wolfsbane, especially since it was now evening.

“Just be careful, you three. If you encounter any danger, don’t hesitate to cback. I've heard that the hunters

are ruthless towards us wolves,” Hope cautioned, her expression filled with fear as she glanced at them.

“Don’t worry. We won't take any unnecessary risks, and we’ll cback if we encounter any danger, Logan

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assured Hope.

She watched as they got into the car, waving at Logan, who sat in the passenger seat. As the car drove away,

Camila reassured Hope not to be overly concerned.

“Master Logan has dealt with these kinds of situations before,” Madam Camila reiterated.

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Chapter 92

“But | don’t believe he’s ever confronted hunters,” Hope murmured softly as she ascended the stairs with



“In the past, Master Logan has indeed encountered hunters. However, he opted to help them start a new life far

from werewolf territories,” Madam Camila explained.

Hope was astonished by this revelation. She felt a sense of relief and admiration knowing that Logan chose to

help the hunters rather than resorting to violence, a choice that not all werewolves would make.

“Logan is called merciless for no reason,” Hope remarked suddenly.

“That's because Master Logan if finds someone guilty, makes sure to punish him in such a way that the others

will think ten times for making such mistakes, Madam Camila explained to her.

Hope did remember how Logan destroyed Daniel after he tried to kill her. Despite their business relationship, he

prioritised the justice over money.

“Hmm. But Aunt Camila what do you think the reason of sudden appearance of such a huge quantity of the

wolfsbane. What if it's

a sign of a danger?” Hope's heart suddenly palpitated with fear.

“Perhaps humans don’t know about it. There are many possibilities to consider, Hope. You and | cannot change

the things that are already destined,” Camila gave her humble opinion.

Hope just prayed that nothing should happen to Logan, Clifton and Ryan.

“You Youuld take srest,” said Camila and watched Hope going upstairs.

As Hope reached the bedroom and sat on the chaise, she checked her phone. To her surprise, Hope got several

messages from an unknown number and she frowned to read them.