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I became the Purchased Wife Of The Lycan Prince by Light

Chapter 116
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Chapter 116

The next morning:

“Hope and Logan were attacked last night,” Henry informed Olivia, who feigned ignorance.

“Really? By whom?” Olivia inquired casually as she poured fresh juice into two glasses. “Are they okay? Did they

get hurt?” she pressed for more information.

“It was Daniel Rutherford who orchestrated the attack against Logan and Hope. | expected Logan to seek

retribution, but he decided to pardon him instead. Unfortunately, Logan hasn’t disclosed many details to

Grandpa, so | couldn't gather much more,” Henry briefed her, suspicion evident in his tone.

Olivia handed him a glass of juice and asked him if he tried asking Logan.

Henry shook his head as he accepted the glass. “You know my relationship with Logan. If | start showing concern

out of the blue, he'll see right through me,” he asserted.

“Hmm. How about asking through your cousins? They have a good rapport with Hope. Maybe she'll confide in

them,” Olivia proposed, offering an alternative approach.

“Why should we even concern ourselves with that?” Henry scoffed. “Daniel's actions were reckless. | warned him

not to attempt anything foolish against Hope. Now, he’s paid the price by losing his wolf form. The elders have

stripped him of his ability to transform using the moon stone,” he explained to Olivia, shaking his head in

disbelief at Daniel's folly.

Despite the seriousness of the situation, he couldn't help but chuckle at the audacity of anyone daring to attack

the Lycan Prince.

Olivia raised an eyebrow at him. “Do you believe Logan to be invincible?” she questioned skeptically.

“Not in the way Daniel had hoped,” Henry replied with a shake of his head. “But Logan possesses shidden

abilities that even the werewolves are unaware of,” he affirmed confidently.

“Hidden abilities?” Olivia's frown deepened at the revelation.

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“Don’t you know?” Henry asked after taking a sip of juice, curiosity evident in his expression.


Chapter 116

“No, | don’t. What kind of hidden abilities does he have?” Olivia inquired as she got curious to know about it.

“Logan possesses remarkable healing abilities and the power to compel others,” Henry revealed, sharing his

knowledge of Logan’s capabilities. “I'm surprised he never mentioned them to you,” he added, acknowledging

Olivia's astonishment.

“As | mentioned before, Logan is quite enigmatic. He prefers to keep things close to the chest,” Olivia remarked

knowingly. Henry nodded in agreement, understanding Logan’s propensity for secrecy, and proceeded to inform

her how her plan to reveal herself might need to be postponed.

Olivia contemplated for a moment. She had thought that Hope would be dead, but turned out she was alive. But

the question was how Hope remained unharmed? According to Daniel, Hope was dead.

“Are you sure nothing happened to Hope?” Olivia asked for the confirmation.

“Yes. Nothing happened to her. I'm glad she’s fine because the moon stone will be bestowed to her. Daniel had

almost ruined my dream too,” Henry asserted.

Olivia hummed thoughtfully as she decided to explore alternative methods to approach Logan now that her

initial plan had hit a roadblock.

Roaxana enveloped Hope in a tight hug before gently pulling away, concern etched across her features. “Why

didn’t you telllast night that you were attacked? Are you okay? Did you manage to get a good sleep?” she

inquired, her concern genuine and palpable.

“I'm fine, Roaxana,” Hope reassured with a smile.

“Hope, you should have called us hlast night,” Fred expressed with a worried gaze, glancing towards Logan,

“At the very least, you should have informed us. It was a serious matter.”


“We didn’t want to cause unnecessary worry,” Logan explained. “And Hope needed rest. | thought it would be

best to inform everyone the next day.”

“Grandpa was quite distressed when he heard the news this morning,” Fred reiterated.

“I spoke to Grandpa earlier. He's doing better now and resting in his room,” Logan reassured.



Chapter 116

21 Mar

“Why don’t you both move in here? It’s tfor you to live with us, as part of our extended family,” Roaxana

suggested, her concern evident in her voice. She believed Hope would be safer surrounded by their loved ones.

Hope glanced at Logan, curious about his response. She shared Roaxana’s sentiment and longed to live with

Grandpa and the rest of the family.

Feeling Hope's desire and recognizing the importance of being with their family, Logan made a decision.

“We will. Since we've postponed our marriage, Hope and | will move here,” Logan announced to the group.

Roaxana, Fred, and Hope were elated by the news. “Hope, we're going to have so much fun!” Roaxana

exclaimed joyfully. The tjumped in happiness while sharing a group hug. Roaxana was quick to pull in Logan

too and for the first time, he enjoyed this feeling of togetherness with them.

After settling down on the couch, Hope inquired about Henry. “I didn’t see him earlier. Is he doing alright?” she


“He's perfectly fine. | saw him leaving early this morning,” Fred reassured her.

“Where did he go?” Logan asked, his curiosity piqued.

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“Henry mentioned he was busy with a project,” Fred replied.

Logan’s doubts about Henry lingered as he contemplated sending a spy to keep tabs on him. Despite his efforts,

his relationship with Henry had stagnated, with Henry seemingly uninterested in bridging the gap between them.

Meanwhile, Hope shifted the conversation to Roaxana and Ryan. “Roxy, what's going on with you and Ryan? I'm

sorry | haven't asked about it,” she said, addressing the matter concerning Ryan.

“We're planning to get married in the future. Ryan has proposed to me, and I've been honest with him about

everything,” Roaxana confirmed with a smile.

Logan was surprised to hear that. He recalled how angry Ryan was with them.

“That is such a wonderful news. I'm so happy for you, Roaxana,” Hope said with a bright smile across her lips.

“But what was the truth?” she was still confused about it.

Roaxana recounted the tragic story of Ryan’s and Noah’s mother, who perished while attempting to strengthen

her husband with the aid of a witch, ultimately


Chapter 116

leading to her demise.

“That's incredibly sad,” Hope remarked sympathetically.

“It was heartbreaking. | didn’t want to jeopardize Ryan's relationship with his father, but | couldn’t bear to see

him suffer. So, | ultimately revealed the remaining truth to both brothers,” Roaxana declared, explaining her

decision to disclose the truth despite the potential consequences.

“Well said, Logan. You made the right decision,” Hope agreed, nodding in support of Roaxana.

Roaxana expressed her gratitude for their support, relieved by their understanding.

“Ryan is a wonderful person. I'm sure he’ll bring you nothing but happiness, Roaxana,” Fred chimed in with a

smile, his words filled with genuine-warmth.