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I became the Purchased Wife Of The Lycan Prince by Light

Chapter 112
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Chapter 112

Logan looked at the Mo Goddess while holding Hope tightly. Seeing the divine figure, he realized it was the Moon

Goddess. Logan complained to her, “Please take my life, but revive my wife, my mate. | beg you. | cannot live

without her. She awakened the hope to live a life of happiness with her. When she is not there, my life has no

meaning left.”

He hung his head low while sobbing. He felt someone was stabbing his heart repeatedly. The excruciating pain in

it kept growing, all he wanted was to get rid of it. His tears would not stop because he lost Hope.

“You two share a pure bond of love,” the Moon Goddess pronounced and she approached them.

“I won't live either,” Logan murmured.

The Moon Goddess shook her head and got on her knees. She placed her hand above Hope's head and a bright

white illuminance spread around her arm. Logan widened his eyes to see that as he noticed how the arrow flew

away from Hope's arm and her wound began healing.

The Moon Goddess then touched the pendant on Hope's neck and the stone on it replaced by the moon stone. “I

was supposed to clate, Logan, to bestow this moon stone to Hope. However, your love for your mate made

will live a long and happy life together,” said the Moon Goddess with a smile on her lips.

“Really?” Logan was astonished to learn that

The Moon Goddess nodded at him and told him that she had a faith in him. “You need to end the enmity between

the Lycans and the werewolves. You two have a long life to live. That's my blessings for you.”

Logan thanked her for being so generous on him. He was grateful to the Moon Goddess for reviving his mate.

The Moon Goddess smiled at him for the last tbefore disappearing in the thin air.

Logan was quick to lift Hope in his arms when Clifton arrived in his car and saw Logan didn’t look well. He got off

the car and glanced at Logan, whose face was full

of tears.




Chapter 112

“Take us to the hospital. I'll explain you the matter later,” said Logan and he entered the backseat of the car.

Clifton quickly sat on the driver's seat and drove to the hospital. “What happened to Hope?” he asked, glancing

through the rear-view mirror.

“Several werewolves attacked us. Hope...” His voice trembled but he continued, “She took an attack of an arrow

covered in wolfsbane forand lost her life. But the Moon Goddess revived her.”

“What?” Clifton’s eyes widened to hear that and his focus from the road stag gered for a moment. “Is she fine,

Master?” he asked.

“Yes. She is breathing thanks to the Moon Goddess,” Logan said. His hand was wrapped securely around Hope as

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he had placed her head on his shoulder.

Clifton turned quiet. He was stunned to find out that Hope lost her life and the Moon Goddess revived her. He

could understand the short trauma Logan underwent for a brief moment.

Finally, they arrived at the hospital. Hope was admitted to a VIP ward. According to the doctor, she was well, but

needed examination to check the reason of her unconsciousness.

Clifton placed a reassuring hand on Logan’s shoulder, promising to procure fresh clothing for both of them. Their

garments bore the marks of tearing in several places. “I will also thoroughly investigate this matter, Master

Logan,” Clifton vowed. “Please remain strong.”

Logan's voice trembled with fearful emotion as he spoke, “Whoever orchestrated this attack will face severe

consequences. My wife narrowly escaped grave death. If not for the timely intervention of the Moon Goddess,

Hope might not be alive today.” Tears welled in his eyes, carrying the weight of his fear and anxieties.

Clifton understood what Logan might be feeling at that moment. He only patted Logan’s shoulder, giving him the

silent comfort.

“What? The arrow hit Hope!” Daniel was shocked to learn that. “Is she alive or dead?” he asked.

“I think she is dead, Boss,” said the hunter, Simon, who was supposed to shoot.



Chapter 112

Logan. “But it wasn’t my fault. Logan cin between,” Simon asserted.

Daniel's grip tightened around Simon's neck, his thumb pressing into the flesh with force. “I explicitly warned

you to keep Hope untouched. But what the f uck did you to her? You killed her!?” Daniel's barked with anger,

echoing through the.


Gasping for air, Simon's eyes flickered with desperation as his lungs struggled for oxygen. “P-please,” he

managed to utter in a faint voice, pleading for release.

With a violent shove, Daniel pushed Simon away, sending him tumbling several meters across the floor, the

impact jolting through his body.

“Leave before | kill you for real. Don’t cto this place or you will be dead.” Daniel affirmed.

“I-l understand, Simon said with a stutter and ran out of the place.

Daniel ran his fingers through his hair as he looked at the injured werewolves. Because they belonged to his

pack, Daniel felt Logan would kill him. “You all should hide. | have transferred money in all of your accounts,” he

told them.

The werewolves nodded and left the pack hall while Daniel dialed Olivia's number, who did not answer his call.

“Why the hell is she not answering my call?” Daniel muttered. Beads of sweat appeared on his forehead as he

felt he should also run away from the country. “Since Hope is no more, there is no way | will get the moon stone,”

he murmured.

Olivia entered the pack’s hall, and asked him if running away would solve his problem.

Daniel turned to hear Olivia, whose lips were curved into a smile. Approaching him, she placed her hands gently

on his arms. “You've done exceptionally well, Daniel. But now, it's tfor you to forget about me,” she

whispered, her gaze locked with his.

Her eyes seemed to shimmer with a brownish-yellow hue, captivating Daniel in their mesmerizing depths. In that

moment, he felt entranced by her presence. With a subtle manipulation of his mind, Olivia ensured that Daniel

would completely forget about her, preventing any chance of Logan discovering her involvement once the

investigation commenced.

Chapter 112

Daniel closed his eyes as he fainted and Olivia let him fall on the ground. She chuckled and left that place.

Hope slowly opened her and took a deep breath in. Was she alive? She found out she was in a room when a

familiar voice entered her ears.

“Logan,” Ashe faintly whispered Logan's nand tilted her head. While blinking. slowly, she saw her husband

in front of her. His eyes were brimmed with tears.

“Am | alive?” Hope asked, wondering if it was a dream after her demise.

“You are alive, Hope,” Logan said. The tears trickled down his cheeks as he leaned close to her and hugged her.

His head rested on his shoulder and her arm moved to his back. “Hope, why did you take the attack? You don’t

know how empty and lifeless | felt,” he murmured while sobbing like a baby.

“Logan, I'm sorry. | couldn't think of anything, except for saving you,” Hope said as she also turned emotional.

She realized how much Logan loved her. Even the words were less to describe his depth of love for her. “But you

savedand that’s what matters,” she stated while patting her back.

Logan pulled away and wiped the tears from the back of his palm. “The Moon. Goddess revived you, Hope. She

healed your wound and brought you back from the death. Because our love is pure in her eyes, she didn’t wish

us mate to separate from each other. Also, she has bestowed the moon stone to you,” he explained to Hope.

She was stunned to learn all that. The Moon Goddess provided her a new life. because she was also touched by

their love for each other.

“She blessed us for having a long life,” Logan informed her. His hand rested on her head as she caressed her

hair. “Hope, you will never do

this again. Please. | beg you,” he said.

“Logan, | cannot sit back and watch you get injured. However, with the Moon Goddess blessings, | am safe. So,

you don’t have be worried anymore,” Hope said. and reached her hand to his cheeks to wipe the tears from


“I will call the doctor. You must get examined before you will be discharged,” Logan stated and left his seat. He

called on the phone that was mounted on the


Chapter 112

wall and returned to his seat. Hope had sat up by now and told him she didn’t feel pain at all in her arm.

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Logan picked up the pendant from the bedside table and made her wear it. “The crystal is different on it,” she


“It is the moon stone. The Moon Goddess bestowed it to you,” Logan said..

She touched it and found how shiny it was. “I wonder what is its use,” Hope mumbled.

“The Moon Goddess toldthat we need to end the enmity between the Lycans and the werewolves. | don’t

know how we both will do that. But this moon stone will be there to bring the peace, | believe,” Logan stated.

“It is going to be difficult, Logan. My uncles said that | would be in danger because of this stone. Don’t you think

the werewolves will approachonce they find out that the moon stone is with me?” Hope inquired, trying to

find his opinion on it.

“I agree with you. However, the moon stone is a kind of protector of all the packs. Well, we will talk about it later.

For now, just tellif you feel better.” Logan peered into her eyes with concern.

“I am. Look | can even move well,” Hope stated with a smile.

The VIP wardroom door’s opened and the doctor entered, followed by a nurse. Hope greeted the two of them

while the Doctor asked her if she felt good. Logan had already left his seat to see them.


“The reports are turned to be well, Mr. Moore. There is nothing you should be fear about. You can take Mrs. Moore

back to the home,” the doctor informed Logan.

“Thanks, Doctor.”

“Please sign here,” the nurse forwarded a cardboard with a discharge document on it. Logan quickly put the

signature on it. The doctor removed the drip from Hope's hand and put the bandage on it. After the doctor left,

the nurse helped Hope change in her clothes in the other room.

Clifton arrived in the room. “Is Hope discharged already?” He asked.

Chapter 112



Hope cout with the nurse and looked at the both of them. Logan walked to her and thanked the nurse for

her help. He held his wife’s arm gently while his other hand moved to her back They exited the hospital, and

entered the car's


“Hope, you have left us scared. I'm glad you are well,” Clifton pronounced with a smile. He asked them if they

had worn the seatbelts. When Logan responded positively, Clifton drove the car to the home.

“Why are there so many cars behind us?” Hope questioned.

“For the security, Hope,” Logan said. He couldn't take e any kind of risks anymore. Today, he realized that Hope

wasn't just his wife, or mate, but she was a part of his soul.

Thank you, Moon Goddess, for givingback Hope,” Logan thought in his mind.