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I Love You, Miss Genius

Chapter 186
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Chapter 186

Bonnie held her breath as she watched Ivor approach so suddenly. She moved

over again to increase the distance between them, saying, “You claim you're not a perve, yet you said something


“Hahaha!” Ivor could not help but burst into laughter when he saw Bonnie

blushing. “All right, then. I'll be whatever you wantto be.”

He was in a good mood, no matter what his fiancee said.

The weekend passed in the blink of an eye. Benedict stood nervously at Tang Fusion Studios door. He muttered,

“Did Bonnie prank me? Hmm, she’s not the type to joke around, especially not with something like this.”

At that moment, he received a call from Bonnie, “Are you there yet?”

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“I, uh, just got here.”

“Then, hurry and get your ass in there. I've already informed the people inside that you're coming. Everything

will be okay.”

Benedict gulped nervously. “Bonnie, are you sure they won't kickout?”

“You're my brother. Who would dare do that? | just reached work. Go inside!” Bonnie then hung up and entered

the research institute.

“Hey, wasn’t that Bonnie?” Halle stared at the research institute's gate.

“Bonnie? That's not possible.” Rowina looked over but only saw a figure entering the building.

Halle scratched the back of her head and said with uncertainty, “That woman who entered the building looked

like Bonnie at first glance.”

“That's impossible. That's Ms. Bonita’s research institute, after all. Bonnie can’t even get in, even if she tried. Do

you think she’s a researcher or a professor or something?”

“Hehe.” Halle chuckled with contempt. “If she were, I'd cut off my head and use it as a soccer ball. Even if she

could get in, she would be the janitor.”

“I don’t think she even deserves to do that. The institute always does a

background check on whoever wants to enter or work there. How could Bonnie possibly get in?” Rowina said


“Forget about her. She's boring to talk about. Con, let's go shopping.” Halle pulled Rowina.

Benedict took a deep breath and then said through gritted teeth, “Screw it. I'm going in.”

After adjusting his suit, he confidently entered the building and went to the front desk. “Hello, I'm here to apply

for a part-tjob. My sister mentioned-

“Are you Mr. Benedict?” The receptionist was extremely respectful toward him.

“Y-Yes, l am.”

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“Welcome, Mr. Benedict. Mr. Hamish toldto bring you to his office as soon as you arrived.”

Benedict was puzzled, stuttering, “M-Mr. Hamish? Wh-which Mr. Hamish are you referring to?”

“It seems you love jokes, don’t you, Mr. Benedict? We only have one Mr. Hamish here, the CEO.”

Benedict gulped again. Of course, he knew the nof the company’s owner since he was in Tang Fusion

Studios. Still, he was shocked that Hamish would personally receive him. Benedict wondered how his sister had

such connections. In a daze, he followed the receptionist to the CEO's office. “Mr. Hamish, Mr. Benedict has


Benedict could not stop looking at Hamish, who was sitting at the desk.

‘It really is the CEO of Tang Fusion Studios! A country boy likeis meeting the big shot on my first day at the


The more he thought about it, the more nervous he became. He even began to sweat a little.

Hamish stood up and approached him, extending a handshake. “Welcome, Mr. Benedict.”