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Hiding the Twins from Their Billionaire Father by Pixie

Chapter 456
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S31 199. Cout, Russell!

Kara was sitting on the bed. Her head rested on the broad shoulder next to her. Closing her eyes, she tried to

catch her breath.

“Is there any news from the Twins?” she asked quietly.

Frank shook his head. His hands kept to massage Kara's fingers.” You don’t need to worry about them, Queen

Bee. They are

independent and intelligent children. They will understand that you have to give birth soon. Let's celebrate their

birthday after Russell is born, hmm?”

After a short nod, Kara turned her head further. “Are you crying?”

Frank's eyebrows pulled together. Moving his head away so that it would be easier to see her, he shook his head.

“Why do you think I'm crying?”

“Your voice is shaky, Frank.”

Pursing his lips, Frank took a deep breath. “I’m not crying.”

“Then why are your eyes red and watery?”

Frank blinked firmly. “I'm not crying,” he repeated with more emphasis

Still out of breath, Kara let out a laugh. Her head tilted slightly, waitin for his tears to fall. “Are you sure?”

Feeling uncomfortable with that gaze, Frank said again, “I really don’t


However, Kara didn’t change her intimidating crooked smile. After a moment of silence, Frank finally looked

down and took a breath. Okay, I'm crying.”

Sobbing once, Frank wiped his face with his sleeve. Feeling amused,


Kara's laughter returned to the air.

“You don’t need to worry, Frank. This isn’t the first tI've given birth.

“But this is the first tI’ve seen you give birth. You look like you're in so much pain.”

Kara shook her head slightly. “It’s not that much, Frank. There's only one baby in my belly. Even though it hurts,

it’s much better than last time.”

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Instead of subsiding, the turmoil in Frank's chest only got bigger. His breath hitched, making him look like he was


“I'm such a bad man. | should have accompanied you when you gave birth to Louis and Emily, instead of leaving

you alone.”

Kara cupped his cheek with her cold, sweaty hand. “Frank, that’s all over. Let's focus for now. Helpgive birth

to Russell.”

“How?” Frank’s voice was hoarse.

Kara slipped her fingers into Frank’s “Holdlike this. | will take the strength from within you.”

Frank nodded quickly and kissed her hand. “Okay.”

“And don’t cry. Aren't you embarrassed to be seen by the nurses an doctors? Brave Frank turns out to be a


Like Louis was pouting, Frank shook his head slightly. “I don’t care about that. I just want Russell to be born

quickly. He has tortured you too much.”

Kara laughed again, but this time, she ended it with a groan. Her face was filled with wrinkles again.

“Frank, | think... Russell heard what you said. Hurry and call the doctor!” Kara's voice was laced with breath.

Frank's chest felt tighter



and tighter.

“Alright! Hang in there, Queen Bee!”

Soon, the doctor and nurse cback into the room. When Kara started to push Russell out, Frank couldn't help

but frown as well. Over and over again, he kissed her head, whispering encouragement. However, his heart was

still in chaos.

Meanwhile, in the hospital corridor, Louis and Emily ran towards the delivery room. Philip was confused about

whether to catch up with. them or keep up with Barbara's speed. However, seeing Susan in the chair at the front

of the room, he finally let the two toddlers run on

their own.

“Grandma, has Russell been born?” Louis asked as he jumped in front

of Susan.

“Not yet, your mother is struggling in there.” Susan wiped the sweat from Louis’ face.

“Then why is Grandma here? Shouldn't Grandma be inside accompanying Mommy?” Emily rounded her eyes.

Susan smiled faintly. “Your father has been there to encourage her. | thought, now it’s his turn to accompany

your mother.”

“We also want to accompany Mommy. Is that okay?” Emily clenche her hands in front of her chest as if holding

onto hope.

Susan nodded. She had expected that the twins would definitely ask

for that.

“Go inside and meet the nurse on duty. Tell her that you want to see your little brother born.”

“Okay. Thank you, Grandma!” The twins hugged Susan before meeting

the nurse.


“Can | cin?”

Susan and Philip widened their eyes at Barbara's request.

“Are you sure, Babe? There's going to be a lot of... blood inside.” Philip looked at Barbara closely.

“I'm going to give birth too, Philip. | have to know the process.”

While Philip breathed heavily, Susan swallowed hard. The nurses would bother taking care of Barbara if she


“Why don’t you just wait here, Barbara? There are already lots of people inside.”

“I'll just watch from a distance, Mrs. Martin. | won't get close.” Barbara nodded, reassuringly.

While Susan was doing heavy deliberation, the twins cin wearing special layering clothes that the nurse had

prepared for them.

“Daddy,” they called in a small voice. “Was it Mommy who shouted earlier?”

Frank flinched and quickly wiped his eyes. “Kids, why are you here?”

“We also want to see Russell born, Daddy. Is he out yet?” Louis stood on tiptoe, but failed to peek. Doctors and

nurses blocked his sight

“Not yet. Do you want to give Mommy support?” Frank glanced at Kara who was no longer paying attention to

her surroundings. The pain must be enormous.

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Emily nodded slowly. When Frank moved the chair to the side of the bed, she immediately climbed into it

“Mommy, your face is very red. Are you okay?”

Kara finally turned around. Seeing Emily’s round face, her furrowed brows deepened. “Little Bee?”


As Emily waved, Louis quickly climbed to her side. “Hello, Mommy. We cto give encouragement to you.”

The doctor chuckled at the sweet support. “How is it, Mrs. Harper? Ready to try one more time?”

Kara nodded weakly. “Yes.”

Frank bent down, kissed and stroked her hair. “Con, Queen Bee. You can do it.”

A moment later, Kara's groans began to echo. Her face was bright red. Her hands were shaking, gripping Frank's

hand and the edge of the bed. The twins subconsciously held their breath watching her. They also held on tightly.

“It turned out to be Mommy's voice. It must have hurt so much that Mommy turned into the Hulk.”

“Con, Russell. Get out of Mommy's stomach! Don’t be a bad boy! “Emily pouted.

After groaning, Kara lay limp. Her face was still frowning and her breathing was labored. “Has he?” she asked,

unheard by anyone, not even Frank.

“The head is starting to show. Con, Mrs. Martin. One more time, you can meet your third child.”

“Con, Mommy. You can do it!”

“Get Russell out of Mommy's stomach so | can scold him. He's been naughty because he doesn’t want to come

out quickly.” Louis put his hands on his hips.

“Louis, you can’t say that? What if Russell is afraid of you? He might keep hiding in Mommy's stomach!”

Suddenly, Kara took a deep breath. A second later, her groan sounded



longer and fiercer. The veins in her neck bulged out of her red skin. Tears melt from the corners of her eyes.

The twins no longer dared to make a sound. They watched Kara while covering their ears and shrinking their

necks. Their chins twitched in pity.

As her groan ended, Kara was half conscious. Her eyes moved around without knowing what she was looking at.

She didn’t even know that Frank kept kissing her head and the Twins were already cheering happily.

“Russell is out! Russell is out!” The two toddlers were jumping while. hugging each other, forgetting that they

were both on a chair that wasn’t wide enough.

Only when something was placed on top of her body could Kara perceive light and sound. She looked down.

Seeing the little face whining under her chin, her tears flowed even harder.