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Forever in the Past and Forever in the Future

Chapter 150
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Chapter 18

I wait as patiently as I can for Lenora to finish giving Kas a hug. She finally lets her go and kisses her

on the cheek.

"I mean it. No more scaring me," she wags her finger

at Kas.

"I promise, Lenora. No more scaring you," Kas smiles back with a nod before turning to me. She takes

her hand out of mine and brushes her fingers on the side of my face.

"All I want to do is pull you into my lap and hold you all night, Baby, but I need you to tell us about your

vision before you forget. Can you do that?"

"Yeah b-but," she looks at me with watery eyes, "Can you tell me if James is okay? Was that real or

part of my vision?"

"It was real, Kas. Don't worry, he'll recover. We can take you to the hospital wing to see him tomorrow.

Okay?" Lenora squeezes her hand in reassurance.

Kas nods, looking at her hands for a moment. She collects herself so she can concentrate. When she's

ready, she takes a ragged breath and tells us about what she saw.

"I think I saw some of the people who kidnapped me. There was a woman that looked just like Lenora,

but maybe she was a little older? Or something about her seemed old, even though she looked young.

She knew my name. She called me Iokaste. There was also a woman with dreadlocks and red eyes.

She mind linked me, but it wasn't a real mind link. I could actually see her words in my mind."

Kas squeezes her eyes closed for a minute, then opens her eyes and looks at the nightstand. She

grabs her journal and pen and scribbles something down on a page.

'Essai dynatós. Empistéfsou ta énstiktá sou.'

"That's what I saw," Lenora and I trade a confused look. Kas has never remembered this much detail

from a vision before, and this message in a foreign language is pretty specific. She only knows the little

bit of Spanish that Marco has taught her.

Follow on NovᴇlEnglish.nᴇt

"Looks like Greek. I will see if Musu can translate it," Lenora takes a picture of the page with her phone

and sends it to Musu. "So then, um, I think I had a vision inside my vision?" a confused look crosses

Kas's face, "but I-I'm pretty sure it was the past. Not the future, like it usually is. It seems like it was a

past life, but not one I already knew about. I was fighting alongside the woman with red eyes in an

intense war. We knew each other, and she sacrificed herself for me, Bronx. She threw herself at

charging werewolves. I could feel her connection disappear when-," her voice trails off. She looks like if

she tries to finish, it might make her cry.

Kas absentmindedly rubs the heel of her hand over her sternum while she talks. Her eyes aren't really

fixed on any one point in the room.

"Connection? Like a mate bond?" I ask as gently as possible, but in reality, I'm feeling a tinge of

jealousy that Kas could have had a different mate. Even if it was in a different lifetime.

“No, not like a mate bond. It was more like something connected our essences to each other,” her voice

is soft, "She said something else in that language, but I understood it in English."

“So, she was someone special to you? What did she say?" Lenora asks, smoothing Kas's partially dry

hair. "Yeah, I think she was important to me. She told me she would always be there for me and when

she died, it hurt so bad. It made me have this huge burst of energy come out of my body. I felt like a

bomb was exploding out of me. And when I looked around, everything was...well, it was all gone. As far

as I could see, everyone and everything was destroyed. Burned and flattened. I think it was because of

the energy that came out of me. I don't know. I-I just don't know.”

She finally looks me in the eye. The floodgates are about to burst. She held it together long enough to

tell us about her vision, but now she needs my support. I pull her into my lap and lean my head on top

of hers. As soon as I fold my arms around her, she begins to bawl. Between her sobs, she says she

didn't mean to hurt James. She doesn't want to hurt anyone. We all know that. It was an accident, but

we can figure out how it happened later.

This isn't the Kas who has become stronger every day since she came to Blood River. She isn't the

Luna and leader that everyone loves and respects. Right now, she is a scared nineteen-year-old girl,

who grew up not being able to trust anyone around her. She was lonely, scared, and trying to hide from

the world. It's the deep dark part of her we all wish never existed. I know it will never go away

completely. It will always be a part of who she is, but if there is anything I can do to keep it at bay, I will

do it. If it wasn't for our mate bond, how would she handle a situation like this? I don't know and I don't

even want to think about it.

I hear Lenora's cell phone ding. She looks down at it and frowns.

"Is that Musu?"

“Yeah. Those words are Greek. It means 'You are strong. Trust your instincts',” she says with a knit

brow as she looks at me rocking my sobbing little


I shrug my shoulders, and she shrugs back. Lenora gives Kas one last sympathetic look before kissing

the top of her head and kissing my forehead.

“If you need me, just send a mind link. I'll be back in a heartbeat."

"Thanks, Leni,” I mouth the words and watch her


I turn my attention back to Kas, thinking about the translation. Clearly, someone else has as much faith

in her as I do. I just have to figure out who this mystery red eyed woman is.

Once Kas has calmed down, she pulls away from me slightly and gives me a pleading look.

"What's wrong, Baby?” I caress her face, hoping I can fix whatever's wrong.

“Bronx, what if the red-eyed woman is a prisoner, too? What if she wasn't allowed to talk to me, so she

had to send that message in my head?”

"Well, typically prisoners aren't allowed to be around other prisoners, unless they have developed

Stockholm Syndrome. Then the captors would want them to convince the newer prisoner to stay and

become a sympathiser too."

She looks at me with a little shock on her face.

"H-how do you know that?”

"Ahh, don't worry about it,” I brush off her question. I don't need her to know that Milo and Reggie deal

with those sorts of sorts of things all the time in their covert ops division of MasonCo. 1

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

“Well, we need to find out who she is, Bronx. If she needs help, we need to help her,” Kas pleads.

"Okay, we can regroup with everyone tomorrow and see what we can do with the information we have.

Don't get your hopes up, Kas. We don't have much to go on, but we will try our best. I promise," I nod

at her with a smile.

She gives a small sigh, but she understands my position.

“Now, how about you get a nap before dinner? When you wake up, you can decide if you want to go

downstairs or eat up here. You had a pretty big burst of energy right before you woke up. There is no

way you're not worn out. I really want you to take it easy and not push yourself. And before you argue,

everyone will understand if you don't go downstairs tonight. The whole pack loves you and wants you

to take care of yourself. Alright?”

"Okay. Bronx, do you think Delilah is going to hate me?" she frowns as she wraps her arms around my

arm and leans against it.

"Delilah could never hate you, Kas. You know that. I do think we will need to give James and Marco

some time off, though. Lenora said Marco is pretty shaken up and you know how Marco is, he has

nerves of steel.”

She nods again. I can feel her sorrow and guilt. I really just want to sit here for the rest of the day and

hold her, but I have a couple things to take care of. Specifically, the carpet just outside the bedroom


"Baby, I have to get the maintenance staff to come up and take care of the carpet. I'm not going

anywhere. I will be right out in the living room. If you need me, just yell. Okay? I really don't want you to

go out there until the carpet has been removed though. It's pretty


"More gross than raw rabbits?” she smiles, trying to lighten up the mood a little. 1

I chuckle, "Yeah, Baby. More gross than raw rabbits."

The will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!