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Broken Dreams Stories

Chapter 99
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Chapter 99 Knowing what was about to happen, Evelyn took a deep breath as she walked to the door and opened it to reveal Maya standing with Samantha. who was smiling brightly, unaware of the gravity of the moment Samantha bounded into the room, her wide eyes lighting up when she saw that Derek was innocent voice filling the room.

as still there. "I'm back," she announced to Derek, her Seeing her again now, Derek couldn't believe he was so lucky to have her as his daughter, Staring at her, he remembered the patron at the hotel talking about how they looked alike, and now he could see it-especially her eyes, which looked like his. Derek's heart ached with love for this little girl who was his "Welcback," he said, flashing her a smile, r room to give them Maya's gaze flickered between Evelyn and Derek, sensing something different in the air. Just as she started to walk away to her room to privacy, Evelyn stopped her.

"Join us, Maya. Please sit down." Evelyn said, and Maya nodded as she went to sit down oppoviae Derek.

Derek glanced at Evelyn, waiting for her to speak. His heart pounded as he realized that in just a few moments, Samantha's world- and his- would change forever Evelyn kock down in front of Samantha, forcing a smile as she gently took her daughter's hands. "Sweetheart," she began, her voice tender but trembling slightly, "there's something important I need to talk to you about" Samantha bobbed her head as she looked at Evelyn with wide, innocent eyes. Then she glanced at Derek, wondering why her mother looked so serious and what she wanted to say "Remember hour you always used to say everyone has a daddy! And you always askedabout your daddy?" She said, and once again, Samantha bobbed her brad.

Evelyn glanced at Derek, and he gave her a nod. "Your friend. Rek.. isn't just Rek. He's actually your daddy" Maya gasped sohly behind them, her hand flying to her mouth in shock, but Samantha's curiosity changed to confusion.

"My daddy" she repeated, glancing from her mother to Derek.

"Yes, baby" Evelyn said, her voice thick with emotion. “Rek is not just your friend. He is your daddy Samantha blinked, processing the information slowly. Her eyes shifted to Derck as though seeking confirmation, and he nodded, his heart in his throat.

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For a moment, Samantha stood there, wide-eyed and silent. "Are you going to be my daddy because my mommy is pretty and you're marrying her, or you are my daddy!" She asked, wanting to understand what it was Derek's lips twitched, amused by her intelligent question. Even Evelyn smiled, but before she could clarify it. D Derek spoke.

I'm your daddy, Sam. Your mommy and I made you" Derek said softly, holding out his hand as he crouched down to her level.

Then, in a burst of emotion, she ran into Derek's arms, hugging him tightly. "You're really my daddy, Rek?" she asked, her voice muffled chat against his Derek wrapped his arms around her as he nodded, his throat tight with unshed tears. “Yes, sweetheart. I'm your daddy. And I'm going to take care of you and your mommy. I promise." Samantha pulled back slightly, locking up at him with a bright smile. "Are you really going to marry my mommy too! Like I asked?" Derek chuckled through his tears, nodding "Yes, I'm going to marry your pretty monany, just like you wanted." hurt Samantha squealed with joy, throwing her arms around Derek's neck again. Derek held her close, his heart swelling with a love so fierce it almost Tears streamed down his face as he silently promised himself that he would protect and cherish both Samantha and Evelyn with everything he had. No matter what, he wouldn't let anything happen to them Opening his eyes, he looked at Evelyn and signaled her over as he rose with Samantha in his arms As Evelyn joined the hug. Maya ru full of questions, but she was mostly stated.

rose and walked out of the living room, wanting to give the family privacy. Her heart was racing, and her head was This was his family, and he would h fight for them with his life. Derek promised himself as he k as he kissed both their foreheads.

Ira Chapter 90 The family moment was interrupted by Derek's phone buzzing, and he pulled back to take it out of his pocket. Evelyn reached out to take Samantha from Derek, but she clung to Derek. "Not yet. Mommy," she said. Derek laughed while Evelyn rolled her eyes. but a unile played on her lips.

Derek scowled when he saw Michael calling. "It's Michael," he told Evelyn.

"Pat her down and take the call," Evelyn said, then gave Samantha a pointed look. "Go to your room, sweetheart," Evelyn said firmly. pouted as she did as she was told.

Derek received the call and placed it on speaker, "What's up. Mike?" "Hey, Bek! I was just at your office and learned you were not there. Where are you?" He asked casually "Why? Is there a problem?" Derek asked without bothering to answer his question.

and Samantha Michael hesitated, "Not exactly. I heard from your Mom and Sandra, so I wanted to check on you. Sandra wantedto apologize for involving your Mom Evelyn rolled her eyes, and Derek's lips twitched, "Ask her not to worry, I'm not mad at her. I was only meeting with Evelyn to talk about our interview, but now that she has been fired, I guess I have no reason to meet with her anymore, Derek said, and Evelyn scowled at him, making him grin.

"Really? She has been fred?" Michael asked, with obvious joy in his voice.

"Yeah. You know my Mom. She doesn't joke," Derek said with a sigh. "Why don't we hang out later after work? I need a drink after the craziness of today." Derek said, and Michael smirked.

"Sure. Let's do that. You're not mad at Sandra, right?" Michael asked, wanting to be wire.

"Nah. Not at all. I'm sure she only did that because she was worried. We all know how jealous these females can be, Derek said, and Michael laughed.

"Of course. You should be careful with Evelyn, though Sandra toldEvelyn said sshocking things about wanting you," Michael said, and Derek grinned at Evelyn "She did! Interesting, Anyway, let's talk later. I'm in the middle of something important, Derek said, and then, as he hung up the call. Evelyn punched him playfully, "What was all that about" She asked, and he chuckled.

"Alright. I was going to tell you sother stuff when I got here, but the whole revelation distracted me," Derek said, and Evelyn raised a brow. "What d did you want to talk about" She asked, and he gestured that they sit down.

Derek told her about his conversation with his father and his decision to get someone to hack Michael's and Sandra's phones.

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"Although I have someone following Michael and keeping an eye on him. Earlier, he was at Sandra's office. But his phone will be much faster to track.

"I think that's a brilliant idea," she said, and Derek nodded.

"Yeah. So, that's why I won't be with you publicly for the tbeing. But that doesn't mean I'm going to stay away from you. Fill get the house as 1 said. It will be in a secure environment. That way, just anyone can't get in, Derek said, and Evelyn stared at him for a moment before giving him a nod.

"Alright. Let's do that, Letknow how I can help, although Rayna is helpingkeep an eye on Sandra,” Evelyn said, and then she told him about Sandra's visit to Rayna and all she had said. Derek shook his head when she was done, "She seems obsessed with you." "I have no idea why. Evelyn said, and Derck chuckled.

"Well, I'm obsessed with you, and I can tell you why he said, making her smile.

"I guess the interview won't be holding anymore." Derek said, and Evelyn scoffed.

"It will. But just not at Empowered.

I'm going back to work at the People's Times. Sandra won't know what hit her.' It know hit her." Evelyn said, and Derek laughed. "Fierer! I like it," he said with a nod of approval. "I think your friend Rayna is really good for you, otherwise, we would have kept going anal in circles. I owe her one, lie added, and Evelyn laughed sofily. "Now get me, Samantha. I need to spend stwith her before leaving. I've got gos so much to do now." X