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Broken Dreams Stories

Chapter 2
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Chapter 2 "Ok then," I mumbled, closing my eyes again. First my abusive father beatsunconsious. Now this woman who is a complete stranger, and claiming to be my mother, was standing in the corner of my room, growling and hissing into her phone.

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"I can't understand why you would want her anywhere near your house," she complainied "Its going to completly disrupt our lives, not to mention your campain and think about the boys, this is still their home, when they cback on leave or during breaks from college they don't need sbroken worthless girl, who is obviously trouble being thrown into their peaceful home." her voice changed from angry growls, to concerned loving parent like the flick of a switch.

I groaned quietly, wondering if I closed my eyes and pretended to be asleep she would go away. I did just that and must have acutally fallen asleep, because I was startled awake by the loud click of a heal tapping angrly on the floor.

"Well its about time, were you planning on sleeping the whole day?" she snapped "Ummm, Im in the hospital, what else am I supposed to be doing?" I snap, " I'm having a shit day, Im obvously hurt, and Im supposed to be resting" If I could have flipped her off I would have but even that small amount of movement was to painful.

I wanted this woman gone, I didnt care who she claimed to be. I didnt remember my mother, she had left before I was two years old according to my father, anything that she left behind had been destroyed so I didnt even know what she looked like. There had been no trace of her left in the house. I slowly moved my good arm over to the bed railing and tapped the nurse call button. A few minutes later a nurse walked in followed by the doctor.

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"Oh honey Im so glad to see you awake," the nurse said in a gental voice. She efficently moved around my bed, bumping my mother further away me. She quietly began taking my vitals, and checking the various machines, and tubes that I was connected to, while the doctor went over my list of injuries.

"Well young lady, you are very lucky," the doctor stated, looking up from the tablet he was carrying. "two of your r*bs are badly broken, and you are lucky they did not puncture your lungs, Several others have small fractures or brusies." he paused to gently move aside a corner of the gown to check the wrap.

"Your arm was broken in two places, we need to wait for the swelling to go down, then we will have a better idea of what needs to be done." He poked at my broken arm, asking if I can wiggle my fingers.

"Excuedoctor," my mother said pushing her way between the doctor and my bed.

"When excatly can Emilia be released?" She sighed ticly "You have no idea how inconvient this whole ordeal has been, I have had to cancle all of my appointments today, just to be here, and sof them. have taken months to get in the first place." "Wow" I mouthed to the doctor, a small smile appeared on his face and he rolled his eyes.

"Well Mrs. Peters, as I have told you already, Emmy." "Its Emilia, not Emmy," my mother snapped, "if she has to live with us she will use her proper name, not sjuvenile nickname." Anyway, as I was saying" the doctor continued completely ignoring my mothers outburst. "She has broken and bruised r*bs, a severely broken arm, a broken nose, and concussion, that caused a loss of consciousness, shes not going anywhere for at least twenty-four hours."