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Becoming Strangers Again by Lily

Chapter 136
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The courtroom was alive with anticipation as Waper's trial unfolded. People filled the gallery, their whispers blending with the shuffling of papers and the occasional cough. Waper sat at the defendant's table, flanked by his legal team, his expression unreadable as he braced himself for the accusations about to be thrown his way.

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Ms. Hernandez, the prosecutor, stood tall and commanding as she addressed the judge. "Your Honor," she began, her voice firm, "today we bring forth charges against Mr. Waper for the murder of Sophia, a former employee of Mr. Williams' company, as well as allegations of money laundering and tax evasion." The gravity of the charges hung heavy in the air as the trial began. Ms. Hernandez wasted no tin presenting her case, detailing the events leading up to Sophia's death and the evidence linking Waper to the crime.

"Your Honor, we have testimony from witnesses placing Mr. Waper at the scene of the crime," she declared. "We also have forensic evidence linking him to the murder weapon." As the prosecution presented its case, tensions rose in the courtroom. Waper's defense team, led by Mr. Thompson, launched into a vigorous defense, challenging the validity of the evidence and raising doubts about their client's guilt.

"Your Honor, the prosecution's case is built on circumstantial evidence," argued Mr. Thompson. "There is no concrete proof linking my client to these crimes." The back-and-forth between the prosecution and defense continued, each side presenting their arguments with fervor and conviction. Witnesses were called to the stand, their testimonies painting a complex picture of the events leading up to Sophia's death.

As the day wore on, the courtroom beca battleground, with both sides vying for the judge's favor. The tension in the air was palpable as the proceedings stretched into the afternoon.

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Finally, as the session drew to a close, Ms. Hernandez stood before the judge to deliver her closing statement. "Your Honor, the evidence presented today leaves no room for doubt. Waper's actions were calculated and deliberate, and hemust be held accountable for his crimes."

With that, the trial adjourned, leaving the fate of Waper hanging in them balance. As we filed out of the

courtroom, the weight of the day' events hung heavy on our shoulders. The trial was far from over, but with each passing moment, we moved closer to uncovering the truth and achieving justice for Sophia.