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Becoming Strangers Again by Lily

Chapter 114
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Chapter 114 JAKE Limping to my apartment while humming to a song I literally just formed in my head within seconds, I cto a halt when I saw men in blue coats standing outside my door and perking around as if they lost something.

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An upright citizen would have asked what was wrong, but I was no upright citizen, as a matter of fact, I am someone who runs in the opposite direction when I see the cops because I exist right now under a fake name, and if caught and arrested and if my real nis discovered, I won't be getting out anytsoon. Hurrying away as fast as I could without getting caught, I went into a restaurant and headed straight for their restroom. While in there, I pulled out my phone and called Waper. It was of no use calling Stephanie right now, because I do not think she will be of much help toright now, especially now that she is divorced from Ryan. She got the real honey jar and she let it slip. How st***d.

He didn't pick up at first and I kept calling until he answered, clearly annoyed at my persistent calling. "What the heck is your problem?!" he snapped. "I am currently dealing with a lot of s**t, do you think I want to add you to the list?" That's his business. "I don't care whether you want to addto the list or not Waper, that's not going to stopfrom calling." He sighed, his lips smacking together. "What do you want?" Perfect question. "I got back from a walk and found the cops around my house, peeking into my window." "And?" he deadpanned.

"What do you mean by and?" I retorted. "the cops are searching for me." I stressed out just in case he missed it the first time. "they have no business searching for me." "What am I supposed to do with this information?" he asked irritatedly, "it is not like I have the power to call the cops off, so why the heck are you callingfor this matter?!" 1/4 16.35 Sat, Jul 27 BBB. Chapter 114 "givea place to hide," I stated firmly. "If the cops are chasing after me, then I need to run from them and if I need to run from them, I need a place to hide." He scoffed. "Do I look like someone who hides criminals?" he asked flatly.

"And do I look like someone who will be going to jail alone?" I fired back at him. "You had better givea place to hide WAper, because if I get caught, I will be questioned and if I get questioned, I will be forced to tell who killed Sophia." Silence ensued, ear-deafening silence. "What is that supposed to mean?" I scoffed. "You are a lawyer, I am sure you should be able to figure it out." "Need I remind you that it was you who committed the murder?" he asked in a sharp tone. "You do realize you will be put away for murder." Sophia isn't the only one I have killed Waper, and once the cops find out my real name, they will figure it out. Sophia will only be part of the reason I will go to jail, but you on the other hand, when I told them who gavethe directives to kill Sophia, you will be right behindas I go to jail." "Fine." H gritted out, "I will give you a place to hide." Not giving a f**k about his obvious anger, I waited for him to continue. "Go to A&E boutique tell them the code FR44, and they will take you to the basement, remain there till I have something figured out or until I know what is going on." "That wasn't so hard, was it?" disconnecting the call, I typed in the nof the boutique in Google Maps and followed its directions. It ledstraight to the boutique and I told them the sthing Waper toldand just like he said, they ledto the basement, to a very furnished room.

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Thanking them, I made my way to the bed to sleep away my time. ***** When I woke up, it was already five am the next day. I guess I was more tired than I had thought. Picking up my phone to scroll through the news, I was shocked when I saw that I was on the news. Apparently, I am wanted. Not only am I wanted for impersonation, but the fact that I am a con artist who is wanted for murder in my hometown. How the f**k did they even find out that my real nis Reff Idris. Who would dodirty like this? Someone must have alerted the cops about him or tipped them off for them to have cfor me.

2/4 Chapter 114

My first thought was Waper. I have a very dirty secret about him, but then he won't wantto go to jail for the | fear of being exposed too. Sitting upright, I ran my finger through my hair in agitation as I'dialed Waper's En number. Of course, the murder f**k*r didn't pick. Maybe he is the one behind this. I sent him a text. "PICK UP MY CALL MOTHER**R BEFORE I SING LIKE A LITTLE F**G BIRD!" He calledback. "Reff Idiris." He called out. "you have gotten yourself in a big mess that I don't even think I can help you out of." "Did you do this?" I snapped at him. "did you setup?" "Have you lost your mind?" he bellowed, "do I look like a man who would set himself up?"

Don't blme for not thinking straight right now, I thought I would have been able to get married to Lily, get hold of the managerial duties of the hospital, get my hand on the land document, sell whatever **t I have to sell, pay my debt and be free from than b**d and his gangster lifestyle, then move out of the country and live a simple life, but then here I am, hiding away in the basement. "Listen to me," Waper spoke, drawingout of my thoughts. "I am going to look into this and try to find out who sniffed you out after that is done, we can think of a way to handle the situation."

"Sure, do that and get back to me." I disconnected the call. When I find out who is on my tail, I am going to f**k them up real back m' todolanyck may not be able right now, but I know someone who can. * Two days later, after being fed through the worker in the boutique, I received a call from Waper. "Do you have any information for me?" "Two people went to the school which the real Jake attended." He informed me, "a male and a female to be more and the female also visited the real family of Jake and even offered his mother money. The woman confirmed the picture of Lily to be the female, but I think you already know who the male is." F**g a**h**s! 3/4 X