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An Understated Dominance Chinese Novel

Chapter 3301
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Chapter: 3301

There was a loud noise, and the ground shook.

A powerful shock wave swept away in all directions like a strong wind sweeping down

fallen leaves.

And the pit that had just been deep sank again for several meters.

A deep ravine was formed out of thin air.


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Qiao Yi was shocked by the huge impact and took a few steps back. When he saw where

he had just landed, his eyelids jumped.

Fortunately, he had just dodged quickly. If he had been hit from the front, he would

probably be dead or disabled.

The lethality of this thing is too terrifying, and it must not be resisted forcefully.


After hitting the air with one blow, the golden tree vine still refused to give up and swiped

directly, turning into a sharp whip, dragging the ground and swiping hard at Qiao Yi.

Wherever the tree vines passed, a thick layer of ground was cut off.

The gravel mixed with soil shot out towards Qiao Yi like bullets.


Qiao Yi frowned, kicked off the ground with both feet, and immediately stood up from the

ground, leaping high into the air and avoiding the sweep of the golden tree vines.

At this time, the silver vines around him suddenly moved, and the silver vines like spears

stabbed Qiao Yi crazily in mid-air.

Qiao Yi waved his swords repeatedly, forming a circle of sword light around his b*dy,

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quickly harvesting the silver vines that attacked him.

However, before the silver tree vines could be dealt with, the golden tree vines on the

ground launched another attack.

The golden tree vine suddenly bounced up, like Optimus Prime, and hit Qiao Yi hard.

At this moment, Qiao Yi was in mid-air, harassed by silver tree vines. He could not dodge

at all, and could only watch as the golden tree vines smashed down on his head.

“Damn it! Fight!”

Qiao Yi gritted his teeth, made a decisive decision, and once again used his famous stunt.

“Destruction Slash!”

Qiao Yi crossed his swords, infused his whole b*dy with Gang Qi, and then swung at the

golden tree vines in the air.

“Whoa! Whoa!”