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Aggressive Wife novel (Madeline and Noah)

Chapter 54
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Chapter 54

Noah watched Madeline for a while, then suddenly broke into a chuckle. He did not resume

their verbal sparring; instead, he set an invitation down in front of her.

"My son's birthday dinner is the day after tomorrow. If you're free, Ms. Grant, we would

love to see you there."

"Oh? You're actually inviting me into your home, Mr. Quincy? Aren't you afraid you'll be

luring a wolf into the fold?" Madeline felt slightly bewildered. Previously, he had believed

she was deliberately trying to get close to Colton so she could entice the boy away.

Why had he suddenly changed his tune?

"If you're the wolf in question, that would suit me admirably, my dear Ms. Grant."

Madeline had the oddest sensation that her world had suddenly turned upside down. Noah

must have knocked his head against something and gotten all muddled up before he left

the house today!

By the time she had pulled herself together enough to ask what was going on, Noah had

already left.

At this point, Albert came through the back door of the bar and made his way through the

mass of people, hurrying over to her. "Ms. Grant, Ms. Angie's been rescued by Mr. Quincy's


"Ahh, I see. Well, that was to be expected." No wonder Noah was behaving in a manner

contrary to his usual self, even giving her an invitation to Colton's birthday dinner. It was

all a cover for rescuing Angie!

Just like before, was he afraid that she would cause trouble?

For whatever reason, Madeline felt aggravated the more she thought about it. She did not

even realize she had lost herself in her ruminations until Albert recalled her to the present.

"Ms. Grant, I believe the incident with Ms. Angie might have alerted certain people. The

woman who claimed to be Mr. Turner's daughter hasn't shown up!"

"We'll go home for now." Madeline had foreseen that this might happen. After all, if that

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woman really had been present, Noah probably would not have had the time to come and

engage her in conversation.

Earlier, after Madeline left the Grant residence, she had received word that someone

claiming to be Felix Turner's daughter had made an appointment with Noah to discuss

some business matters. That was why she and Albert had come to the Enchanteur Bar.

However, they had not expected that they would encounter a scene with Angie upon


The two of them left the bar and departed in the car.

At the same time, Wayne was helping a battered, exhausted, and humiliated Angie to

Noah's car. She watched, seething, as Madeline left the bar, cool and sophisticated in her

elegant dress and high heels.

Why was she the one who had been humiliated by those small-time gangsters, while that

bitch Madeline sauntered around with minions at her beck and call?

"Ms. Angie, please get into the car," Wayne urged, seeing that Angie was just standing

there, staring fixedly at something in the distance and seemingly divorced from reality.

Noah had already left; they needed to hurry and catch up with him.

"Oh, that's right. Thank you," Angie murmured weakly and climbed into the back seat.

"It's my duty." Wayne did not exchange any further pleasantries with her. He closed the

door after Angie, then got behind the wheel and quickly started the car.

As they drove off, they passed Madeline's car on the road. Angie's rage and hatred knew

no bounds when she saw Madeline's lovely, alluring face through the window.

Just you wait. Once I become the most distinguished woman in Imperia, I'm going to crush

you underfoot! Angie swore to herself, tightly clenching her fists.

Even though she had almost gotten into serious trouble with those ruffians today, there

had been a silver lining. Noah evidently still harbored some feelings for her. He would not

have rescued her otherwise!

Furthermore, she had just received news that the Grant residence had burned down. Her

father had no home to call his own now. It was the perfect, legitimate opportunity for her

to move into the Quincy residence!

She just had to bide her time. Once she managed to insert herself into the Quincy

household, she would be able to use this to her advantage!

"Mr. Hudson, I just received some terrible news. My home has been burned down! Could

you please take me to the Quincy residence with you?"

"I…Mr. Quincy hasn't given me any orders to do so."

"But I haven't got anywhere to go now, and I don't want to be by myself…" Angie

murmured in a weak, broken little voice, and tears began running down her cheeks.

Wayne was by no means immune to such feminine wiles and reluctantly agreed despite

himself. Upon reflection, it was probably better for Mr. Quincy to make the call once they

got there.

When they reached the Quincy residence, Noah had already arrived and was about to go

into the house when he saw Angie running toward him. His expression darkened


With a murderous glance at Wayne, he snapped, "What's going on?"

"This…Ms. Angie said that the Grant house just burned down in a fire, and she has

nowhere to go…" Wayne hurriedly explained, terrified by Noah's furious expression.

"Noah, don't blame Mr. Hudson, please. I really have nowhere to go now. Can I stay here,

just for the time being?" Angie pleaded pitifully, reaching out and tugging timidly at

Noah's sleeve.

"Wayne will take you to a hotel." Noah immediately declined her request.

Unfortunately, Angie was already at the door of the house; she was not about to be turned

away in such a hurry! "Noah, far too much has happened today. I'm scared to death. Can't

you just stay with me for a little…?"

Noah was about to reject this suggestion outright, but upon reflection, he decided it was

probably not safe for her to be out this late at night. Reluctantly, he agreed. "Have Mr.

Charles take you to the guest room then."

"Thank you, Noah! I knew you still cared about me, even if it's just a little!" Angie was so

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moved that a maidenly blush suffused her tear-stained cheeks.

Unfortunately, Noah did not stay to appreciate her display of shyness. Brushing her hand

away from his sleeve abruptly as if avoiding the plague, he went straight into the house

without so much as a backward glance at her.

Angie had much more that she wanted to say, but Noah's abrupt departure forced her to

swallow the words. She was so incensed she almost choked.

"Ms. Grant, please come with me." Mr. Charles approached Angie, having already received

his orders.

Angie pulled herself together and followed the butler into the house. In just those few

seconds, she had recovered her dignity and aristocratic bearing. After all, the future

mistress of the household had to behave with decorum in front of the hired help.

She was fully confident in her own powers!

Mr. Charles took her to the guest room on the first floor and settled her in. Even though it

was a long way from Noah's bedroom, this was the first time she had been allowed to stay

in the Quincy house. She was absolutely delighted.

Men were all soft-hearted fools. They would succumb to a woman's charms as long as one

could meet them face to face and behave in a sufficiently pitiful fashion!

Angie indulged in these blissful thoughts and went into the bathroom. She had to make

proper preparations for her grand scheme so she could put it into action!

Around the same time, Thomas was on the third-floor balcony with his telescope. Directing

the instrument at the garden, he saw Angie tugging at Noah's sleeve with a show of being

pitiful. Not only that, Mr. Charles even showed her into the house. This instantly made

Thomas unhappy!

Wasn't the scumbag no longer in love with the bad woman? If so, why had he brought her

back again?

Earlier, it looked as if they were both holding hands...

Thomas quickly pressed the button on his telescope twice with his pudgy fingers.

Immediately, a photograph of Angie's pathetic-looking figure appeared on his smartwatch.

He peered at the picture carefully. Angie looked filthy and disheveled, her attire in ruins.

He hurriedly pulled up his conversation with Madeline and sent the photograph to her,

along with a message. "Mommy, SOS! The scumbag's brought Big Bad Woman Angie back

home from the trash heap!"