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A Love Reawakened The Alpha’s Regret by Alphabetical B

Chapter 120
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Chapter 120 Angela's POV After what Mason told me, my spirit went down and I suddenly felt cold. He'd left minutes ago and I'd returned to the house to find Reina staring into space. I asked her what went wrong and she said, someone or something was hurt. I asked her what it was and she toldI smelled different.

She went back to her toys and continued staking them up. She didn't bother tellingmore or even sparinga glance.

I returned to Brittany's room that I had been using and laid on the bed. Each tMason's words cback to me, I would take a deep breath and pull at my hair. How was I supposed to help Krina when I was as clueless as a goldfish? I didn't even know what gift she had until a few days ago. Now, we have to keep it a secret and make Reina keep it a secret as well. The thought of asking Reina to do such a thing madesick. Won't it be too much of a burden for a child? She was just six years old! As I made up my mind to talk to her tomorrow instead of avoiding the conversation, the door opened and Halle peeped in "Reina said I find you here," "Are you okay?" She asked gently. I shook my head.

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“I have a banging headache and my chest feels tight," She sighed. "As a doctor, I should prescribe sdrugs and recommend stests to rule out migraine and heart attack." I almost interrupted ber. “but as an old or former friend, I'll prescribe this," She opened the door wide and revealed a bottle of alcohol.

"I've heard it helps with heartbreaks, headaches, and sadness as well," I laughed. That scenabrought back memories, When we were still in high school, I would sneak alcohol from my dad and take it to school. We would stop at Halle's house instead of guing hafter classes and get drunk. Hours later, I would be finding a way to get rid of the smell so my mom wouldn't know I'd been drinking "Good old days," "Good old days," We both reflected at the stime. We laughed 'Cin," "Thank you," she walked in with two plastic cups as well and gaveone.

She opened the bottle and poured us sdrink. I took a sip. The taste maderealize it's been a while since I took alcohol. At first, I couldn't drink because I was pregnant and then, I couldn't drink because I was breastfeeding and then, I couldn't drink because it was only Reina and I, and I couldn't risk getting drunk and letting her out of my sight.

"My drinking career died out a long tago." "Was it by accident or natural death?" I scrunched my my nose. "I think it was both." She screeched like a banshee and that madelaugh.

"Are you drunk already?" Smiling sadly, she turned to me. "I think I'm a bitch, Angela," 1 turned to her. "Why would you say sol" "I hurt Jude and that madehad a rethink of my life? I frowned "Who's Jude!" "My mate," 31138 AM Chapter 120 My heart leaped with joy and I hit her lightly on her arm several times. “Shut up! When? How? Where? "Do you have tto listen today? Shouldn't we be talking about you!" She asked.

"Good news or bad news first. I'll go with the good news and when the alcohol starts kicking in, we'll talk about my bad news. It wouldn't feel that bad by then.

"My news is both good and bad," I gave her my infamous side-eye. Then, start with the good news" "So, I found my mate. His nis Jude, he's one of the warriors and he's pretty nice, "But?" I asked cause I could feel it coming.

"Something has been going on between Charles and I Like a relationship?" "No! Charles doesn't want a relationship. He just wants it to be casual sex and I agree because I've been in love with him for as long as I could think of, "Even when we were friends," "Especially when we were friends, she mumbled. She waited forto say something but I shrugged, meaning I had nothing to say which was true. "And now that Jude is in the picture. In confused as to what to do. Yesterday. Jude and I had sex and it was magical. He hasn't markedyet because I told him not to. Stupidly. I kissed Charles after and Jude saw it," What "You're judging"Why would I judge you? Yes, what you did was stupid but I'm not judging" "That's still judging." I shook my head, disagreeing with her 'Now, I've looked back at how I lived my life and I realized, I've been a bitch. To you, to Darius, to Jude, to almost everyone who'd crossed my path except Charles.

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Thummed "Letask you a question, Halle. Do you truly love Charles or you're just in love with the idea of him?" She stared atwithout an answer.

"Allowto explain further, I was being too formal to be in my right senses. I was getting intoxicated little by little. Tve known you for a long time, Halle and I know your ideal man is one with royalty stuck to their forehead or one with something close to royalty and Charles is the picture perfect of exactly what you want." Her eyes becthick with tears. Tve thought about it and honestly, you're not wrong, Angela. But, I think I'm in love with him and also, with the idea of him," I took another sip of my drink. "Letgive you a scene that'll happen sooner or later. You're here fighting your feelings for your mate. Ler's assin the long run, he gets tired of waiting and rejects you. He finds a second chance mate and moves on with his life. You and Charles continue your happy ever after. One day, Charles meets his mate. Do you really believe that Charles would ignore his mate for you? The sman who just wants to fuck you and not have a relationship with you." I asked.

She stared at the wall and wall and I saw the tears falling down her face. I poured more drinks into our cups.

I'm so stupid, Angela," I rubbed her back. "You're not stupid, you're just stupidly and foolishly in love, Isn't that the sthing?" She cried louder. "Your drunk ass is so brutal I want to slap you"

"My mate is a caveman. He's a real me, hell stab you beast. If you slapched a spot on right back, hered her chest "Would it hurt, since Charles already stabbed you there?" She glared at me. I hate you 20 Chapter 120 "No, you don't, laughed. "Okay, I'm getting really drunk, "Wolves shouldn't get drunk so easily but this bitchy ass alcohol was made only for wolves." "I knew it," "Are you sad? About Brittany?" She asked,

"I don't think this pain will get better, Halle. I think I carry the burden with k. I carry thefor the rest of my life,"

"Don't let it shape you. One of the mistakes I made was letting my pain shape me. Overcit, no matter how hard it gets. SHe advised. "You should also make up your mind and choose between both men with no regrets," She raised her cup at me. "Let's get drunk and forget how pathetic we are right now, To two sad drunk wonen, "And the shenanigans to come, "Cheers, bitch," 13